Netflix, Inc. (NFLX) Stock Forecasts

Netflix, Inc. (NFLX) Stock Forecasts


Insiders appear to be in “maintenance mode” and are giving few actionable signals about the market. There is no widespread buying or selling. This reflects a stock-picking market as investors look for specific opportunities while being mindful of the multiple challenges making headlines these days. Seemingly supporting this view, Argus Research Director Jim Kelleher, CFA, titled his weekly economic commentary “Eerie Calm at Midyear.” In his article, Jim noted the following. “Business leaders and consumers are nervous about the months ahead, given clear signs of slowing consumer spending, continued weak purchasing manager sentiment, and the looming election. Technically, the stock market appears in need of a shakeup.” Yet, he added, “it’s not all doom and gloom. The upcoming earnings season should be the best in at least two years.” Accelerating earnings growth is preventing the market from extending into deep overvaluation territory, even as stocks repeatedly hit new highs. While economic activity may have slowed from 2022-23 levels, stabilizing global supply chains means the U.S. economy may be sending more accurate signals and operating at a more sustainable level of activity. And notably, recent inflation data (CPI and PPI) have finally shown improvement from recently stagnant levels. On a sector basis, insider selling last week was heaviest in the healthcare sector, value stocks

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