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AMD Ryzen 8950X CPU leak suggests slower clocks, and slower performance than previous leakage

A leaked benchmark of AMD's next-gen desktop flagship, theoretically the Ryzen 8950X processor, has popped up online. The leak comes from YouTuber...

AMD Strix Point Halo APU teased: RDNA 3.5 GPU cores, next-gen Zen 5 CPU cores for 2024

AMD currently has its codename "Phoenix" APUs in the form of Ryzen 7040 series mobile processors, but now we're expecting the upgraded codename...

Leaked AMD internal slides show detailed architecture specs, IPC gains and release dates for upcoming Zen5 and Zen6 APUs

Moore’s Law Is Dead has been leaking tidbits on AMD’s upcoming Zen5 and Zen6 architectures since late 2022, but his most recent video...

AMD Ryzen Zen 5 And Zen 6 Leak Reveals Stunning Performance Increases

News for AMD's expected Ryzen 8000 series and Zen 5 architecture has been slim recently but details of the new CPUs and indeed...

AMD next-gen CPUs might deliver the biggest upgrade in years | Digital Trends

AMD already makes some of the best processors, but it looks like the next generation of Zen CPUs might give us even more...

AMD Zen 5 CPUs could be a big leap over Zen 4 – so might they be a killer blow to Arrow Lake?

AMD's Zen 5 processors, which will presumably be the Ryzen 8000 desktop family, are due next year, and a YouTube leaker reckons these...


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