Stock market: S&P 500, Nasdaq move higher at open

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Stock market: S&P 500, Nasdaq move higher at open

The S&P 500 (^GSPC) and Nasdaq Composite (^IXIC) open Thursday higher, while the Dow Jones Industrial Average (^DJI) initially hovers below its flat line at the session start.

Morning Brief’s Brad Smith and Madison Mills monitor the major market averages after the opening bell, while Senior Market Reporter Jared Blikre analyzes expert notes on the recent market rally, this morning’s sector action, and movements in silver futures (SI=F) and bitcoin prices (BTC-USD).

For more expert insight and the latest market action, click here to watch this full episode of Morning Brief.

This post was written by Luke Carberry Mogan.

Video Transcript

Bing Bong there it is.

All right.

The opening bell here on this Friday’s Eve, you’re taking a live look at the NYSC and at the NASDAQ where I believe you’ve got the executive leadership council ringing the opening bell and you’ve also got the NYSC live shot there.

Take your simple A OS 100 50 years of innovation, I guess is what the company is celebrating here.

I was around for a sliver of it, but ultimately, as a spectator from the outside looking in.

So that’s where we find ourselves as well today.

Looking at this opening bell.

Let’s take a look though at the major averages as we begin this trading session.

Dow Jones industrial average begins a flat just barely to the downside NASDAQ composite.

You’re seeing that open higher by about a quarter of a percent right now.

3/10 of a percent in the S and P 500.

You’re seeing that open to the upside as well by about 2/10 of a percent.

Let’s take a look at some sector activity wide only Maddie 11 S and P sector, uh 11 S and P 500 sectors.

We’ve got them loaded up here for you on screen.

XL re real estate pulling up the caboose.

But you’ve got technology leading the pack right now.

I mean, no surprise.


This is the story that we’ve been talking about for so many years here.

Oh, look, I pulled up the tech sector.

You did.

Let’s populate that chart.

Well, I mean, it’s fascinating.

Look at that 20% gains year to date and then when you take a look at the more kind of broad market action, we’re seeing something like the Russell pretty much flat year to date.

But then you’ve got tech bringing up the S and P, bringing up the NASDAQ.

So it’s interesting seeing that level of constant.

My big question though, when is that concentration going to start to potentially be a little bit of a problem here.

Look at the Russell just really around the flat line year to date here.

We’re going to get more of this fantastic intel from Yahoo.

Finance is Jared blicker.

He is looking at the market action for us, Jared.

What do you got?

Yes, Matty.

Thank you.


The small caps they’ve been doing nothing all year.

So let’s take a look at the S and P 500.

Here’s a year to date chart.

But as we head into the month of July, I just want to share some statistics that were generated by uh Bull Boss Ryan Dietrich over at Carson Group.

Can this rally continue be aware that July has been up nine years in a row for the S and P 500 over the past decade, higher, 90% of the time tied with November for the best and up 3.1% on average.

Second only to November, we got a little chart here and here’s where we are, I guess, point to take away there.

Second best month of the year July over the last 10 years.

That is a tail wind and um I looks like we got tech heading for an eighth straight day of wins right now.

And uh that’s just barely holding on to some gains right now.

You can see it just flip ne negative so I might give that up.

Uh But I have been tracking some other markets here.

I do want to get into the futures market where silver silver has been advancing.

It’s up 2% and here’s a year to day charge and you can see, uh it was screaming higher earlier in the year, pulled back a bit a bit.

And you can see within the five year trend that it has just recently broken to the upside.

So we’ll have to see if we can get any momentum off of that then real quick.

I want to check on Bitcoin as well.

Uh Let’s put a two day actually on here so we can see what happened over the holiday.

Not a whole lot, but we do have Bitcoin up to 65,000.

It’s been holding 65,000 recently.

Here is a three month chart and more sideways action there.

It kind of reminds me of the small caps guys.

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