Armenia Emergency Refugee Response Inter-Agency Update, 15 November – 21 November 2023 – Armenia

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Armenia Emergency Refugee Response Inter-Agency Update, 15 November – 21 November 2023 – Armenia



9,300 children and caregivers reached with mental health and psycho-social support (MHPSS) interventions and child-friendly spaces.

4,800 family food parcels (18 metric tons) distributed to 19,200 refugees.

2,909 households (11,308 individuals) received 8,825 core relief items.

575 household (2673 individuals) have been interviewed for Protection Monitoring in 10 communities.

80 refugee children are already attending early learning centres and kindergartens.

4 partners proceeded with signing the Agreement for providing cash and voucher support with MLSA.


At the moment, 83 elderly people are receiving care in six round-the-clock care facilities, 17 of them are from the Stepanakert nursing home, 50 are single. As of September 24, 10 children, 5 girls and 5 boys, aged 1 to 17, living in Stepanakert boarding house were also transferred to a round-the-clock care facility on September 25. All children have biological parents.

To date MLSA provides services to the elderly through many certified organizations and representatives of the public sector, both in the form of home care and in day care centers. People with disabilities also receive services depending on their status. Measures are also carried out for children left without parental care, according to which the community appoints a guardian or trustee for these children. Another 500 million AMD was allocated for onetime support of 100,000 AMD. 104,200 people have already benefited from the program, the data of 3,800 people have already been processed and they will receive support after the allocation of the 500 million AMD.

40+10 thousand AMD were paid to 99,820 people during the month of October. 7,295 people were paid this week. Within the framework of 40+10 thousand AMD support, the acceptance of applications for November and the following months continues. Applications are accepted through the website

Government has allocated around 3.4 billion AMD to the regional administrations, in addition, 579 million AMD have been allocated to the Syunik regional administration. These amounts are intended for the implementation of housing, food, and certain necessities for refugees, 83.2 percent of the given money is spent.

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